
Freshwell Low Carb Project

The Freshwell Low Carb Project is an initiative set up by Dr David Oliver and Dr Kim Andrews at the Freshwell Health Centre, Essex, UK. This project grew out of our concern about the rise in incidence of type 2 diabetes over the last few years, alongside the widely reported rapid increase in obesity in the UK population.

Website: lowcarbfreshwell.com

Religious Fasting and Diabetes

Fasting is an important spiritual aspect of many religions but it can lead to major health problems for some people with diabetes. If you are unwell or have any symptoms of illness such as a cold, Covid-19 or flu, it’s best not to fast. The Islamic month of Ramadan is one of the longest periods of fasting. They have specific advice on fasting and diabetes and fasting during Ramadan.

Website: www.diabetes.org.uk/guide-to-diabetes/fasting